. Pega : Procedure To Draw A Process Model | Pega Gang

Pega : Procedure To Draw A Process Model

Method to draw a process model in Pega

There are number of Modelling software suites available  in the market which posses all the tools that are needed to build models on computer- Microsoft Visio, Microsoft PowerPoint and even Microsoft Word are some of the examples. The leading BPM tool Pega PRPC also uses the process model for its implementation. At starting or first time it is preferred to draw down the process model by a simple pencil and paper because elements can be speedily moved and simply edited. There are no firm and fast rules for constructing models, but there are guidelines that are useful to keep in mind.
                  "Pega 7.3 Version Features"

Below are the six steps for creating models of your processes:
1. Portray the process to be charted
2. Start with a 'trigger' event
3. Note down each following action concisely and clearly
4. Go with the main flow and note down the other details in other charts
5. Make cross references to supporting information
6. Track the process through to a useful conclusion and finally end at a 'target' point.

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